Man is made with some characteristics deeply rooted within, the key character is to strive to excel. Talk to any one, you would hardly ever find a person who strive to fail. We can try asking Mittal, “Sir, would you like to retire now that you are the richest person?” he would say “well I can do better; in fact I have plans for the next decade already in place to excel”. Let’s ask the same question to a beggar in a way he would understand “See, how little you are earning and cant you look for some other job?” he would say “See, it is true that my daily revenue is a bit less this month, but I have found some hot spots where I am sure to find more revenue, and my boy begging is an art not every one can do”. No matter who ever we ask, every one has plans to excel, some in the right way and some in not so right way, some in right things and some in not so right things. This world and the things within it and the struggle for the things of this world is the root cause of all the problems in...