Ramadan is a blessed month that enriches and trains a person in patience, piety and charity, a refueling station for the remaining year, a bumper harvest for the soul. Eid is the award on culmination of the training. Khutba(Sermons) from Mosques The message from the Khutba (sermon) across the mosques called out to realize that this is not a day to say ‘bye bye’ to the patience, piety and charity acquired but it is a day that you have been certified to have acquired more of these qualities and then to maintain. So that it benefits you and the whole mankind in this world and the hereafter. “Respect your neighbor even if he be an oppressor” was one among the Hadeeth quoted which stressed the need for Harmony in society. Then Khateeb (one who delivers Khutba) called forward the Muslims to isolate and deter ‘misled elements from within Muslim community from causing harm, or those who try to break the delicate harmony that exists among the people’. People left the Masjid realizing these aspe...