Grand Hyatt Mumbai Experience

Travelling is a vital instrument for humanity, a means of reaching diverse destinations, for acquiring knowledge, enriching ones life and perceptions through such experiences, a means to earn lively hood, building relationships and the list would be endless.

Nowadays I travel a lot, I have become like a nomad, the day times are hectic with meetings, architecting, managing expectations, project firefighting you name the works and its there!!!. Early morning rise, then planning day’s activities, work products, planning and confirming meetings, getting into professional attire, work…work…work, the work crawls into the night leaving any person exhausted and tired.

During one such travels halt was at Grand Hyaat Mumbai, I carried the days work, with me to the hotel as usual, finished the formalities of security scanning, a polite and kind person at the reception looked up my reservation(Amex does reservations), and gave keys to a non smoking room. Walk towards room was mechanical, still at work mode, reached room and opened the door.

An amazing room, the fragrance in the room, freshness, space, atmosphere, colors, placement and internal design the ambiance of which was a rejuvenating, milieu worked like a RedBull or the Asterix magic potion. After finishing call, next thing was to find West and Pray, then continue with work. If offices are designed like this then performance is apparent. As usual work crawled into the night hours, once I could not go any further it was time to crawl between the soft blankets and the cushions. Alarm set for early morning, wished the night a good night.

That was the first time; needless to say next time also my choice was Grand Hyaat, this time they presented complimentary cookies, hmmmmm yummy good enough reason for a next visit :)


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