Value Investing : Long Term Defensive Investing
Long term investment in stocks, requires discipline than enthusiasm, knowledge of how the market performs and has performed matters, resisting the tendency to sell when low and buy high, and knowing how inflation plays out on investment is vital too. This is a field that high IQ does not translate to value, or being a doctor, or a sharp engineer does not make it any easy to make the right decisions about stocks at the right time (there are studies on this you may kindly look up). Youd either need an experienced guide who has had success in the market, and hopefully some one who does not fall to the speculative waves of the market. The other option is of course to get advise from financial experts and consultants of investment. The other option start with a small investment, an amount that you would be okay parting with even if you loose it a 100%. See how the market plays out, how do you respond to the highs and lows of the market, lets say for a full financial year. Then you can...